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Saturday, December 29, 2012

GoLaw.com WARNING: Drive carefully in Winter conditions!

This is a WARNING from http://GoLaw.com - Drive carefully in Winter conditions!

A friend sent me a link to this video below which clearly illustrates the dangers of driving on slick, frozen roads.  If even an "Experienced Tow Truck Driver (now Seeking New Position)" can get caught unprepared, each of us need to be especially cautious while driving in Winter conditions such as rain, ice, black ice, and snow.

It appears that this video was shot in a foreign country, but that doesn't mean these types of accidents can't or won't happen here in the United States.  The Weather Channel's BLOG titled "Driving Safety Tips: Driving in Snow and Ice" on Weather.com states "The best advice for driving in bad winter weather is not to drive at all, if you can avoid it. Don't go out until the snow plows and sanding trucks have had a chance to do their work, and allow yourself extra time to reach your destination. If you must drive in snowy conditions, make sure your car is prepared (TIPS), and that you know how to handle road conditions."  In the NBCNews.com BLOG titled "10 Tips for Winter Driving", author Mark Sedenquist (publisher of RoadTrip America) reminds drivers to SLOW DOWN and "reduce speed by 50 percent in snowy conditions." 

Remember: arriving to your destination safely is the most important thing of all. 

This BLOG was Prepared for you by Mark A. Doughty, attorney-at-law who practices solely in the area of injury and accidents including motor vehicle accidents, motorcycles, trucks, vicious animal attacks and slip and fall cases. You may contact Mr. Doughty by visiting his website at http://www.GoLaw.com or call 530-674-1440

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

CA Attorney General Kamala D Harris speaks at CAOC Keynote Lunch 

California Attorney General Kamala D. Harris speaks at CAOC Keynote Lunch 

By Mark A. Doughty, Esq.   www.GoLaw.com
About the author: Mark A. Doughty has practiced personal injury and auto collision law in the Yuba City - Marysville, CA area since 1980.  LIKE us online at http://facebook.com/DoughtyLaw or FOLLOW us at http://twitter.com/DoughtyLaw

November 9, 2012 - San Francisco, CA

Accident Injury Attorney Mark Doughty is in San Francisco, California at the 51st Annual CAOC Convention learning from some of the best attorneys in the world.  Every year, continuing education "promotes new and better ways to represent our clients injured by the negligence of wrongdoers", said Doughty. Among the speakers at this year's conference is the Attorney General of California, Kamala D. Harris (Official Twitter @CalAGHarris).


According to the Consumer Attorneys of California website, CAOC "is a professional organization made up of nearly 3,000 attorneys who represent plaintiffs seeking accountability from those who do wrong. Among the consumers our attorney-members represent are:
    •    Those injured or killed by defective products or drugs.
    •    People who suffer discrimination because of age, gender, disability or race.
    •    Individuals injured or killed because of another's negligent acts.
    •    Citizens whose civil rights have been violated.
    •    Workers who have been fired unjustly or injured on the job.
    •    Investors and others wronged by financial institutions.
    •    Those whose lives are undercut when insurance companies act in bad faith.
    •    Patients who have negligently been harmed instead of healed by the health care industry.
CAOC attorneys and their clients face opponents with far more power and access to resources: Big polluters, insurance companies, automobile manufacturers and banks. CAOC members take only those cases they view as worthy, invest their own resources in pushing those cases to court and are paid under the contingency fee system only if their clients achieve a successful result."

This year, special guest speaker and California Attorney General Kamala D. Harris (Follow her Tweets @KamalaHarris) gave the Keynote speech at the Palace Hotel for Friday's Luncheon.  Introduced by Brian S. Kabateck of Kabateck Brown Kellner, LLP and CAOC President Niall P. McCarthy of Cotchett, Pitre & McCarthy, LLP; Kamala Harris spoke about "The Role Of The Attorney General In Protecting Consumers"

For more information, check out the links below:
CAOC 51st Annual Convention - http://caoc.org/12convention
CAOC history - https://www.caoc.org/index.cfm?pg=history
CAOC on Facebook - http://facebook.com/ConsumerAttorneys
Kamala Harris on Facebook - http://facebook.com/KamalaHarris
CAOC schedule of events - https://www.caoc.org/index.cfm?pg=events&evAction=showDetail&eid=7397

This BLOG was Prepared for you by Mark A. Doughty, attorney-at-law who practices solely in the area of injury and accidents including motor vehicle accidents, motorcycles, trucks, vicious animal attacks and slip and fall cases. You may contact Mr. Doughty by visiting his website at http://www.GoLaw.com, LIKE us at http://facebook.com/DoughtyLaw, FOLLOW us at http://twitter.com/DoughtyLaw, or call 530-674-1440

Monday, October 15, 2012

Check out our GoLaw DoughtyLaw TUMBLR Blog

GoLaw.com and California Accident Injury Attorney Mark A Doughty invite you to check out our DoughtyLaw TUMBLR Blog!

TUMBLR allows us to post helpful articles with rich multimedia content.

Thanks for reading!  We will continue to post legal news and updates here on our Google Blogger page, at our WordPress Blog, and at our website: GoLaw.com/newsletters

By Mark A. Doughty, Esq. www.GoLaw.com
About the author: Mark A. Doughty has practiced personal injury and auto collision law in the Northern California Sacramento Valley since 1980.  LIKE us online at http://facebook.com/DoughtyLaw or FOLLOW us at http://twitter.com/DoughtyLaw

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Defensive Driving to Avoid Motor Vehicle Accidents (MVA’s) - Part 2

Defensive Driving to Avoid Motor Vehicle Accidents (MVA’s) - Part 2
By: Mark A. Doughty, Esq. www.GoLaw.com  

About the author: Mark A. Doughty has practiced personal injury and auto collision law in the Northern California Sacramento Valley since 1980. LIKE us online at http://facebook.com/DoughtyLaw or FOLLOW us at http://twitter.com/DoughtyLaw  

Driving Defensively: Driving techniques to avoid accidents and fines (Part 2)

Driving defensively is an important part of safety when it comes to road travel. Read Part 1 of the BLOG from last month here. Part 2 continues below:

Although travelers worry mostly about crime, inadequate driving skills pose the greatest danger while traveling on the road. North American traffic conditions dictate driving must be taken seriously. These tips can save your life!

1. Eye Movement. Be like pilots who are taught to Scan Constantly. Scan the road then rear mirror, then the road then side mirrors. Do not fix your eyes on any one point. Instead, your eyes should be constantly moving up and down the road, to the sides, and… SCAN.

2. Avoid last minute braking, read the brake lights 3-4 cars ahead.

3. Always leave yourself an out. At all times, try to place your vehicle where your safety is not determined by other drivers. You want to be in control of your safety on the road. This means you need a place to head if danger appears. When driving, this is called looking for "space cushions," places where you can go in order to avoid collisions. When you have a space cushion, you have already avoided an accident.

 4. If you must pass another car, do not linger next to another vehicle. You should rush to its front as soon as safely possible; especially when passing large trucks or busses. You do not want to follow too closely, especially if you cannot move to the right or left if the car in front of you slows suddenly. It is fascinating (and frightening) to observe the behavior of drivers on multi-lane highways as tend to bunch up and travel in packs. Therefore, avoid the packs. Don't be part of the herd. Hang back. Or, if you want to pass, rush ahead of the group of vehicles as soon as possible, without going so fast that you get a ticket in the process.

5. Make sure the other driver sees you, and never assume another driver will do something unless you are certain he or she will do so. On freeways—where improper lane changes are one of the most frequent causes of serious accidents—and on two-lane roads, where vehicles going the other direction are frequently passing slower vehicles—USE YOUR HEADLIGHTS. Yes, turn your lights on. This helps other drivers notice you. In fact, you may want to use your headlights in nearly all driving situations, as do many professional drivers. In some areas, especially in Canada, this is the law. Rain and fog, too, are a time for headlights, as well as twilight. Some drivers have a very ignorant and limited view of the role of headlights or a misguided desire to conserve power, as they delay turning on car lights in the evening as long as possible. "I can see just fine!" they foolishly say. But, how well others can see them is also vitally important! Twilight is the time of most accidents. Drivers are tired after a day of activity. Some have stopped for an after work drink (or two or three) and have impaired focus. Others, anxious to get home, rush too quickly. Help these people to see you and to avoid you. Be among the last to turn off lights in the morning and among the first to turn them on in the evening—if not driving with lights on all the time. If another driver does not seem to have noticed you, and it looks as if he might hit you, blinking the headlights may help avoid an accident. And, moving the right foot off the accelerator to be ready to brake will speed reaction time, if your best reaction is not rushing ahead to avoid collision. You should be particularly careful at intersections when a driver approaching from a side road or already stopped at a stop sign does not seem to be looking right or left for other traffic as you approach. The horn, by the way, is nearly useless in most driving situations as other drivers are usually too far away to hear you or their music systems are too loud.

6. Rear end collisions can be prevented or made less serious. If you do not have time to rush ahead, repeatedly lightly (so as to not slow down) step on the brake pedal when another vehicle approaches too rapidly from behind. This causes your rear red lights to blink in warning. Do this over and over, when you suspect a car coming from behind may not have noticed you. The great danger, as mentioned above, are drivers who do not look far down the road as they drive. They miss seeing slower or stopped vehicles ahead of them until the last moment. Blinking the brake lights should attract attention of these faulty drivers, and allow them time to stop, or at least decease the impacts of the collisions.

7. Use your turn signals early and often. Using turn signals, too, lessens the chance of accidents. Turn signals attract the attention of other drivers. All too often, you see signals turned on at the same time as turns or lane changes are initiated, which is not safe (or legal) driving. Making a decision at the last moment shows clearly that a driver has not been paying attention. He or she is not driving defensively. These drivers are far more likely to injure themselves and others. Using signals is far more than a courtesy; it is a key safety technique.

8. Maintain average traffic speed on freeways. A vehicle going slower than other traffic sets up too many opportunities for collisions on high-speed highways. If a more relaxed driving pace is desired, use another type of road. NO Stopping on freeways. Don't be a stationary object or semi-stationary obstacle on a freeway. Few things are more dangerous than when a car stops at the end of an entrance ramp because the driver misjudged the opportunities to enter traffic—or was just too timid. If your car breaks down on the road…pull as far to the right as possible, put the hood up to alert drivers and move all occupants to a safe position. Drivers often plow into the rear of cars parked along highways!

9. Respect the weather. Readers from cold areas know the importance of caution in icy or snowy conditions. The first rains of the season make the road very slick.

10. Stay Alert! Remember that your reaction time and driving skills deteriorate when tired or older. The old adage that ample rest is the basis of dynamic, successful activity applies to driving as well as to every area of life. Driving without having had sufficient sleep is just as dangerous as driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol.

Summary: In summary, use common sense. Pay attention when driving. Look out for the other cars, be prepared and let the other driver win…That makes you the WINNER because you avoid accidents and injuries and you ARRIVE ALIVE!  

Sources: http://www.roadtripamerica.com/DefensiveDriving/Rule04.htm
some direct quotes from http://Yahoo.com

This BLOG was Prepared for you by Mark A. Doughty, attorney-at-law who practices solely in the area of injury and accidents including motor vehicle accidents, motorcycles, trucks, vicious animal attacks and slip and fall cases. You may contact Mr. Doughty by visiting his website at http://www.GoLaw.com or call 530-674-1440

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Defensive Driving to Avoid Motor Vehicle Accidents - Part 1

Defensive Driving to Avoid Motor Vehicle Accidents (MVA’s) - Part 1

By: Mark A. Doughty, Esq.   www.GoLaw.com
About the author: Mark A. Doughty has practiced personal injury and auto collision law in the Sacramento valley since 1980.  LIKE us online at http://facebook.com/DoughtyLaw or FOLLOW us at http://twitter.com/DoughtyLaw

Driving Defensively: Defensive Driving Tips for Avoiding Car Accidents

Driving defensively is an important part of safety when it comes to road travel. Just because you are a safe driver doesn't mean that other drivers will also be. Wearing a seatbelt is the first and foremost thing anyone riding or driving in a vehicle should do. It is also important to avoid driving impaired by FATIGUE, ALCOHOL or DRUGS INCLUDING PRESCRIPTION DRUGS. Following Defensive Driving tips can help to protect you from a world or hurt or loss.

RoadTripAmerica.com reports that an estimate of 50,000 people die annually due to road related injuries. Factoring in the injuries causes the number to rise much higher. Over 22 million people are injured every year on United States roadways.  Paying attention is the number one Defensive Driving tactic listed on the RoadTrip America website. Keeping your mind alert and focused on the road can help prevent many incidents from happening. One distraction could be road rage. That distraction could linger throughout the day due to the upset feelings caused. Never let anything, including other drivers, distract you from driving safely.

TIP # 2 - "YIELD"
Another thing to remember is that there can sometimes be confusion as to who has the right way. A good Defensive Driving tip in this instance is to simply yield that right to the other person. I taught my sons: “You win by Losing when it comes to letting another driver go first.”

Reaction time is key to preventing accidents and when the person driving is speeding, that reaction time decreases. In fact, reaction time decreases each time driving speed increases. With RoadTripAmerica's calculations, if a person is driving 70 mph, the average reaction time is 115 feet (or about 7 car lengths).

Buying and using other safety devices is also important in driving defensively. Child safety seats, ABS brakes, air bags, and other devices may be optional but are invaluable when it comes to safe driving. Be sure that you not only have these devices, but that you know how to use them properly and do so each time they are used.

Keep in mind that this is not an all-inclusive Defensive Driving guide. A certified Defensive Driving course is a good idea and is just one of the many ways to be prepared and stay informed.  Come back NEXT MONTH to read the 2nd part to this article.

some direct quotes from http://Yahoo.com

This BLOG was Prepared for you by Mark A. Doughty, attorney-at-law who practices solely in the area of injury and accidents including motor vehicle accidents, motorcycles, trucks, vicious animal attacks and slip and fall cases. You may contact Mr. Doughty by visiting his website at http://www.GoLaw.com or call 530-674-1440

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Catch up on GoLaw.com newsletters and E-Blasts!

Catch up on GoLaw.com newsletters and E-Blasts!

Catch up on Legal Tips and Personal Injury Articles from Northern California Accident Injury Lawyer Mark A. Doughty at the GoLaw.com archive of Newsletters, BLOGs and downloadable PDF E-Blasts!

Mark A. Doughty has practiced personal injury law in the Northern California Sacramento Valley since 1980 and serves the communities of Beale Air Force Base, Chico, Colusa, Lincoln, Linda, Loma Rica, Loomis, Marysville, Olivehurst, Oroville, Rocklin, Roseville, Sacramento, Sutter, and Yuba City, CA.  We offer Home and Hospital Visits and FREE Consultations.  Get more info at http://GoLaw.com

LIKE us online at http://facebook.com/DoughtyLaw or FOLLOW us (@DoughtyLaw) http://twitter.com/DoughtyLaw

Monday, June 11, 2012

How Much Auto Insurance Do You Need?

Mark A Doughty - California Personal Injury Law How Much Car Insurance Do You Need?
By Mark A. Doughty, Esq.   www.GoLaw.com

Most drivers think they have too much auto insurance.
Most drivers after involvement in an auto collision find out they had too little!
Don't get caught having too little auto insurance coverage.

ONE way to reduce your auto insurance premium is to increase the deductible on your collision coverage and reduce on your liability coverage. Sometimes this can make sense, but often it's not worth the extra risks. In California, the minimum coverages are
1.  Liability Coverage: $15,000 per person and $30,000 per accident
2. Property Damage: $5,000 per accident.  (California Insurance Code §11580.1b)

If you cannot afford liability insurance, you may be eligible for the California Low Cost Automobile Insurance Program. Additional information is available at www.aipso.com/lc or call 1-800-602-8861.

Carinsurance.com has an online calculator to help you evaluate this question based upon your personal family and financial situation (http://www.carinsurance.com/Coverage-Calculator.aspx) or talk to your insurance broker. I find there are sometimes lower prices through Independent Insurance Brokers who can shop 5 or 10 different companies vs. just one as in Farmers, State Farm or Allstate brokers. Contrary to TV ads, you “May Not” be in “GOOD HANDS” with a single company broker!

ProgressiveAgent.com has a wonderful 5 company comparison online that even shows you the competition when they are much lower. I used it when my 18 year old son had a new truck and I did not want him on my policy. It showed us a different company was 50% less for the same coverages!

Bodily Injury Liability
This coverage, which is required in most states, compensates the driver of the other car and its passengers in the event you get into an accident. It also covers the passengers in your car. The main consideration here is protecting your assets against lawsuits that arise from auto accidents. "But I'm a careful driver," you say. It doesn't matter. You can get sued even if the accident is not your fault.

Bodily injury liability is sold in standard increments that designate both how much coverage you have per person in an accident, with an additional limit per accident. For example, if you buy bodily injury worth $100,000/$300,000, each of the people you injured could be compensated $100,000, but only up to $300,000 per accident.

How much coverage you need is a function of what assets you have to protect. If you make $30,000 a year and rent your apartment, $50,000/$100,000 should suffice. But if you make more than $75,000 a year, own a house worth $150,000 and have $40,000 in mutual funds, you should consider at least $100,000/$300,000 of coverage. How much you'll pay to increase your bodily injury liability coverage depends on several factors, including your age, where you live, marital status and driving record. To increase Liability Coverage from $15,000/$30,000 and $5,000 to $100,000/$300,000 and $25,000 can be as low as $50 added annual premium.

One more option: If you have substantial assets, buy $300,000 in bodily injury on your auto policy and $300,000 – to $3,000,000 on the liability portion of your homeowners policy. Then spend another $150 to $300 for a $1 million umbrella policy, which covers you against all manner of liability claims. Should you want still more coverage, the cost for an additional $1 million in coverage is minimal: It's typically $75 to increase your coverage to $2 million, and then $50 for each million after that, according to the Insurance Information Institute.

Property Damage Liability
This coverage will pay for the repair and replacement of the other guy's car or property in the event of an accident. State-required minimums are as low as $5,000, but if you total somebody's Lexus, that won't begin to cover the damage.

You're better off with a minimum of $50,000 for each vehicle you own. And to be truly safe, you should have a total of $100,000 coverage.

Medical Payments Protection
DO NOT skimp on this one! Med Pay or PIP coverage pays for the medical and funeral costs associated with an accident for you and your family or any occupant of your vehicle regardless of whose fault it was. Some policies protect a named insured on your policy in another person’s vehicle or as a pedestrian.  Some people SKIP this but there are several good reasons to have this coverage.
1. Your occupants (friends or family) may not have health insurance
2. If the accident is the fault of the other driver and you collect on Med Pay, coverage is immediate and usually not subject to the same Pre-Approval requirements of Health Insurance
3. Even if you eventually collect from the other driver’s insurance you may not have to repay this amount to your insurance company.

Uninsured or Underinsured Motorist

This coverage pays for medical and funeral costs for you and your family in the event you get in an accident with either a hit-and-run driver or a driver who doesn't have enough auto insurance. Uninsured Motorist policies usually cover bicycle and pedestrian accidents, as well as a named insured on your policy in another person’s vehicle. On average, it costs less than $40 a year for $100,000 coverage annually. Given the prevalence of uninsured drivers nationally, this coverage is essential.  Studies show uninsured drivers in California can be from 15% - 29% of all cars on the road!

Collision and Comprehensive
Collision reimburses you for the cost of repairs or replacement of your car after an accident.  Comprehensive covers you in the event your car falls victim to a natural disaster, vandalism or theft. With either coverage, the lower the deductible you choose, the more the policy will cost you. I recommend that you always choose the highest deductible you can afford ($1,000-$5,000 is fine). In effect you save premium dollars by being Self Insured for the deductible amount.  If you have an older car, you might drop this coverage altogether.

Collision and comprehensive, which can account for 30% to 40% of your total premium, are cash-value coverages. That means if your car is damaged, the most you'll recoup is the cash value (See kbb.com and nada.com), which declines precipitously as your car ages. If you have cash in a savings account to repair or replace you car on a moments notice you might skip these coverages. However, if you eliminate the coverages, you'll have to foot the bill if the car is damaged, totaled or stolen.  If it caused by an insured driver it can take weeks or months for the driver’s company to pay out.

Optional coverages:
1. Rental-car reimbursement, which pays as little as $25 or so a day while your car is in the repair shop after a collision.
2. Towing coverage, can be as low as $10 annually. Compare that to the $60 annually to join an Auto Club like CSAA.
3. Full glass coverage, auto glass is expensive and an errant stone can ruin a $500 windshield in the blink of an eye.

About the author: Mark A. Doughty has practiced personal injury and auto collision law in the Sacramento valley since 1980. For questions or representation see www.GoLaw.com or call 916-645-1917; 530-674-1440.

1. http://www.GoLaw.com - My 33 Years of Auto Liability Law Practice in Sacramento Valley, California
2. http://www.smartmoney.com
3. http://www.carinsurance.com
4. http://www.dmv.ca.gov
5. http://www.carinsurance-california.com
6. http://articles.latimes.com
7. http://www.insurance.ca.gov

Contact us for your Sacramento accident lawyer today

At the Law Offices of Mark A. Doughty, you can contact us twenty-four hours a day, and we are available for evening or weekend appointments. If necessary, we will even visit you at home or in the hospital. We accept cases on a contingency fee basis, meaning that you pay no fees unless we obtain a recovery for you. For the convenience of our clients, we have Spanish and Punjabi interpreters available.

If you are injured, contact the Northern California Law Offices of Mark A. Doughty for an accident lawyer in the Sacramento Area.

For Yuba City, CA - call 530.674.1440 
For Sacramento, CA - call 916.979.1917 
For Lincoln, CA - call 916.645.1917 

Go to our website: GoLaw.com
@Facebook: http://facebook.com/DoughtyLaw
@Twitter: http://twitter.com/DoughtyLaw
Filed under: Auto Insurance Tips
Topic: Automobile Accidents


Saturday, May 5, 2012

Connect with Accident Injury Attorney Mark A Doughty ONLINE!

Connect with Personal Injury Lawyer Mark A Doughty 24/7 via Internet

Have you or someone you know been injured in an car wreck, truck crash, or some other type of accident?  Do you need legal information to help you make an informed decision on how to handle your personal injury case? 

Connect with Personal Injury Lawyer Mark A Doughty online via his website, blogs, and social networks!

http://GoLaw.com - Northern California Accident Injury Attorney serving the Sacramento Area since 1979

http://GoLaw.com/newsletters - Online Archive of BLOGS and Legal Articles
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@YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC3A96F12170A9A01

Injury Attorney | Mark A. Doughty Law Blog | Legal Resource Articles

Why Do I Need an Accident Lawyer in the Sacramento Area?

While it is possible to represent yourself in Sacramento accident litigation, the Law Offices of Mark A Doughty is here to help you!
Catastrophic Personal Injury in Sacramento, CA

Anyone who suffers a catastrophic Sacramento personal injury knows firsthand the pain, fear, and immediate need for help!
Causes of Automobile Accidents in Sacramento

The causes of an automobile accident in Sacramento are numerous and varied.

Accident Attorney | Mark A. Doughty | GoLaw.com
Caring, Tough & Effective Representation:
Based in Yuba City, the Law Offices of Mark A. Doughty helps accident victims in Sacramento, Lincoln, Marysville, Roseville, Rocklin, and throughout California obtain the recovery they deserve from the parties responsible for the injuries they have suffered.

SERIOUS PERSONAL INJURIES - Auto Accidents, Motorcycle Accidents, Trucking Accidents, Pedestrian / Bicycle Accidents, Public Transportation Accidents, Wrongful Death, Slip & Fall / Premises Liability, Animal Attacks, Products Liability, Defective Drugs/Drug Interactions, Unsafe Public/Private Property, Construction Site Accidents, Third Party Liability, Aircraft Accidents and Water-Related Injuries.

Contact us for your Sacramento accident lawyer today
At the Law Offices of Mark A. Doughty, you can contact us twenty-four hours a day, and we are available for evening or weekend appointments. If necessary, we will even visit you at home or in the hospital. We accept cases on a contingency fee basis, meaning that you pay no fees unless we obtain a recovery for you. For the convenience of our clients, we have Spanish and Punjabi interpreters available.

If you are injured, contact the Northern California Law Offices of Mark A. Doughty for an accident lawyer in the Sacramento Area.
For Yuba City, CA - call 530.674.1440
For Sacramento, CA - call 916.979.1917
For Lincoln, CA - call 916.645.1917

Go to our website: GoLaw.com
LIKE US @Facebook: http://facebook.com/DoughtyLaw
FOLLOW US @Twitter: http://twitter.com/DoughtyLaw
Read another article at: Our SQUIDOO BLOG
Filed under: Personal Injury Settlements
Topic: California Accident Injury Attorney

Call 530-674-1440 for more info

Monday, April 2, 2012

Litigating Claims for Sacramento Car Accidents

The following is excerpted from our SQUIDOO BLOG

Litigating Claims for Sacramento Car Accidents

Mark A Doughty: Car Accident Lawyer in Sacramento explains what is involved.

When you retain the services of a Sacramento car accident lawyer, you need one who is not only well-versed in the law, but who knows how to apply it to your particular case. No two claims in this area of practice are exactly alike, and you need an approach that is tailor-made to your situation.
How Sacramento auto accidents are litigated

The following are descriptions of litigation procedures for different types of accident cases:

    •    Defendant has No-insurance in the accidents: If the driver who hit you does not have any insurance, he or she is still liable for the damage done to your car, property, or person, and your Sacramento car accident lawyer can litigate accordingly. Also, we can proceed and recover against your uninsured motorist carrier.
    •    Hit-and-run accidents: If the perpetrator of the hit-and-run is caught, a car accident lawyer in Sacramento can request an award of punitive damages, in addition to other forms of compensation. If the driver who caused the collision is not caught, we can proceed and recover against your Uninsured Motorist Carrier.
    •    Truck Accidents and Vehicle Collisions: Additional parties who can be held responsible for the accident / collision (besides the driver) include the employer of the driver, the truck / vehicle manufacturer, the loaders, and the auto mechanics who worked on the truck or vehicle.
    •    Motorcycle accidents: Motorcyclists are much more likely to suffer severe injuries than motor vehicle drivers in Sacramento auto accidents. This is because they are not enclosed in a vehicle like the driver of a car, so there are fewer barriers between the driver and the objects involved in a crash. Attorneys for motorcyclists usually seek and recover higher awards during litigation that will compensate for any injuries received.
    •    Bus accidents: Governmental Claims are often filed in these cases, in accordance with the large number of passengers who sustain injuries.
    •    Road construction-related accidents: Road maintenance crews, supervisors, and even county and other Governmental Agencies may all be held accountable for poorly constructed, maintained, repaired road surfaces or dangerous condition of public property that have led to devastating injuries.
    •    Inclement weather-related accidents: Rough weather does not preclude a driver from being especially careful on the road. Therefore, your attorney will insist that a driver who blames weather conditions for the accident is still responsible for failing to take necessary precautions.
    •    If you have Uninsured Motorist Coverage Insurance on your vehicle, your insurance company must pay for the damage to the vehicle, even though the negligent, at fault, driver has no insurance.

Injury Attorney | Mark A. Doughty Law Blog | Legal Resource Articles

Why Do I Need an Accident Lawyer in the Sacramento Area?

While it is possible to represent yourself in Sacramento accident litigation, the Law Offices of Mark A Doughty are here to support you in your Catastrophic Personal Injury in Sacramento, CA

Anyone who suffers a catastrophic Sacramento personal injury knows firsthand the pain, fear, and immediate Causes of Automobile Accidents in Sacramento

The causes of an automobile accident in Sacramento are numerous and varied. 

In the thirty-year practice... Accident Attorney | Mark A. Doughty | GoLaw.com

  • Caring, Tough & Effective Representation:
Based in Yuba City, the Law Offices of Mark A. Doughty helps accident victims in Sacramento, Lincoln, Marysville, Roseville, Rocklin, and throughout California obtain the recovery they deserve from the parties responsible for the injuries they have suffered.


Auto Accidents, Motorcycle Accidents, Trucking Accidents, Pedestrian / Bicycle Accidents, Public Transportation Accidents, Wrongful Death, Slip & Fall / Premises Liability, Animal Attacks, Products Liability, Defective Drugs/Drug Interactions, Unsafe Public/Private Property, Construction Site Accidents, Third Party Liability, Aircraft Accidents and Water-Related Injuries.

Contact us for your Sacramento accident lawyer today

At the Law Offices of Mark A. Doughty, you can contact us twenty-four hours a day, and we are available for evening or weekend appointments. If necessary, we will even visit you at home or in the hospital. We accept cases on a contingency fee basis, meaning that you pay no fees unless we obtain a recovery for you. For the convenience of our clients, we have Spanish and Punjabi interpreters available.  If you are injured, contact the Northern California Law Offices of Mark A. Doughty for an accident lawyer in the Sacramento Area.

For Yuba City, CA - call 530.674.1440
For Sacramento, CA - call 916.979.1917
For Lincoln, CA - call 916.645.1917

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Filed under: Personal Injury Settlements
Topic: Automobile Accidents

Thursday, March 1, 2012

10 Things to Do in Case of an Auto Accident

Author: Mark A. Doughty
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File under: Personal Injury Law, Auto Accidents, Car Crash, What to do

March 1, 2012

The following information was written by Northern California Accident - Injury Lawyer, Mark A. Doughty to help you have general information. It is intended to inform the public and not serve as legal advice.

10 Things to Do in Case of an Auto Accident

1.) Stop

No matter how minor an accident may be, the failure to stop can result in serious criminal consequences. If possible, stop your vehicle at the point nearest the accident scene without obstructing traffic more than necessary.

2.) Render Aid
If anyone is injured:
    - Render first aid to the extent you are qualified
    - Stop bleeding
    - Call a doctor or an ambulance or both
    - Do not move an injured person in any way that could possibly add to his or her injury.

3.) Protect the Scene and those Involved from Further Damage or Injury
If the accident has obstructed the roadway, take measures to adequately warn approaching drivers. If the highway is obstructed at night, illuminate the accident scene if possible. Use the warning flashers that are standard equipment on most vehicles. If you can do so safely, take photos of the scene and the vehicles at rest before they are moved.

4.) Dial 911 to call a Police Officer
State and local police officers are trained accident investigators. Their expertise may be invaluable in establishing the reason the accident occurred.

5.) Gather Information and Write It Down
Don’t trust your memory. Write down the facts, including the names and addresses of witnesses; skid marks and distance measurements; and the names, addresses and license plate numbers of the drivers involved.

Participants in automobile accidents are required by law to exhibit their driver’s licenses and provide their vehicle registration numbers, insurance carriers, insurance policy numbers, and names and addresses of their local insurance agents to each driver involved in the accident.

Below is a handy form to help you collect the appropriate information:
Name(s) Address(es) of Driver(s)____________________________________________________
License Plate Number(s)__________________________________________________________
Insurance Carrier(s)______________________________________________________________
Name(s) and Address(es) of Agent(s)_____________________________________________
Name(s) and Address(es) of Witness(es)_______________________________________________
Skid Mark Measurements__________________________________________________________
Distance Measurements__________________________________________

6.) Be Careful What You Say
Do not admit fault even if you think the accident was your fault. You may discover later that the other driver was equally or more at fault. Statements made during the excitement of an accident may be misconstrued or later misquoted by others. Discuss the accident with the investigating officer, your attorney and your insurance company.

7.) See Your Doctor
Serious injuries do not always result in immediate pain or bloodshed. It may be hours or even several days before you feel the effects of the injuries received. Consult a doctor or hospital if there is the slightest chance you may be injured.

8.) Inform Your Insurance Company Immediately
Your insurance company employs trained investigators who will attempt to develop all evidence for your defense. Failure to promptly notify your insurer may void your policy and leave you without insurance coverage for damage resulting from the accident.

9.) File an Accident Report with the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)
Regardless of fault, the operator of every motor vehicle involved in an accident resulting in death or personal injury or property damage of $750 or more within the State of California must report the accident to the DMV within 10 days using a SR-1 form or you may lose your license.

10.) Consult Your Lawyer Promptly
If you anticipate filing a civil claim for damage or facing a trial on a traffic violation charge, the sooner your lawyer is brought into the matter the better he or she can advise you and protect your rights. Your personal injury lawyer can obtain statements from the witnesses while their memories are fresh and assure that the true facts are preserved.

Get your lawyer’s advice before giving any interviews or statements, except to representatives of your insurance carrier.

If you or a loved one is involved in a serious injury accident you should contact the Law Offices of Mark A Doughty, Accident - Injury Attorney at once.

For Yuba City, CA - call 530.674.1440
For Sacramento, CA - call 916.979.1917
For Lincoln, CA - call 916.645.1917

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Twitter- @DoughtyLaw - http://www.twitter.com/DoughtyLaw
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Thursday, February 23, 2012

How do I get the money to hire an Accident Attorney - Injury Lawyer?

Mark A Doughty - California Personal Injury Law

How do I get the money to hire an Accident Attorney - Injury Lawyer?

The following is excerpted from our BLOG on SettlementBoard.com > Law Blog

How is Personal Injury Litigation in Sacramento Financed?

At the Law Offices of Mark A. Doughty we do not collect fees on injury cases unless we collect money for you. We charge no money down and no money per month on PI cases.

You made the difficult but necessary decision to engage in personal injury litigation. But how are you going to pay for it? Fortunately, many Sacramento personal injury attorneys work on what is known as a contingency basis. This means that they do not collect a fee unless they obtain a recovery for you. While this is often a benefit enjoyed by clients of the Law Offices of Mark A. Doughty, we recognize that it is not applicable to every case. Therefore, several options for financing your personal injury attorneys in the Sacramento Area are listed below at other attorney's offices:

Discuss a payment plan with your injury attorney in the Sacramento Valley. It is not uncommon for clients to tell their counsel that a substantial payment or immediate retainer is not feasible for them. Your personal injury attorneys in Sacramento may provide payment plans for individuals such as yourself.
Talk to a loan company that finances California injury attorneys. Some of these organizations may offer a contingency-basis loan, even if your injury attorney in Sacramento does not. This means that you only need to repay the money you borrowed if your case is won or settled.
Research low or no-cost legal aid options. You may be able to secure a personal injury attorney in Sacramento through your local legal aid society. Look for community organizations that offer reduced fees for legal services. The Sacramento injury attorney who is retained may be a highly competent professional who volunteers his or her services. In addition, if you belong to a professional organization, such as a union for police officers, firefighters, or veterans, low or no-cost Sacramento personal injury litigation may be within your reach. Discuss your case with a leader or representative from your organization.

Contact us for your Sacramento accident lawyer today

At the Law Offices of Mark A. Doughty, you can contact us twenty-four hours a day, and we are available for evening or weekend appointments. If necessary, we will even visit you at home or in the hospital. We accept cases on a contingency fee basis, meaning that you pay no fees unless we obtain a recovery for you. For the convenience of our clients, we have Spanish and Punjabi interpreters available. If you are injured, contact the Northern California Law Offices of Mark A. Doughty for an accident lawyer in the Sacramento Area.
  • Yuba City, CA - call 530.674.1440
  • Sacramento, CA - call 916.979.1917
  • Lincoln, CA - call 916.645.1917
Go to our website: GoLaw.com
Read full article at: Our SettlementBoard BLOG
Filed under: Personal Injury Settlements
Topic: Automobile Accidents
Mark A Doughty - Injury Accident Lawyer - Golaw.com

Friday, January 20, 2012

What Should You Do If Someone You Know Is Seriously Injured?

Mark A Doughty - California Personal Injury Law

What Should You Do If Someone You Know Is Seriously Injured?

The following is excerpted from our BLOG on Lawyers.com > Law Blog

Catastrophic Personal Injury in Sacramento

Friday, January 20, 2012 by Mark A. Doughty

Anyone who suffers a catastrophic personal injury knows firsthand the pain, fear, and immediate physical trauma that such an experience can cause. Unfortunately, the long-term effects associated with these traumatic events cannot be overlooked. They can alter the life of the victim for years to come—and possibly on a permanent basis.

Here, the Law Offices of Mark A. Doughty illustrates just a few of the lasting problems that catastrophic Sacramento personal injuries can cause:
Loss of a bodily system or function. Victims of catastrophic Sacramento injuries such as paraplegia or quadriplegia lose the ability to perform many of their former daily tasks. Depending on the nature and extent of the damage to their spinal cords, they may lose reproductive, digestive, or even respiratory function. Such physical dependence often leads to the need for full time assistive care, either by a nurse or other medical professional, such as a certified home attendant.
Multiple surgeries. It is not uncommon for a Sacramento personal injury lawyer from our firm to obtain compensation for victims in need of multiple surgeries. Often the physical damage from catastrophic injuries is so great that it cannot be remedied with just one, or even two, surgeries. It is possible that a victim will need to visit the operating room dozens of times in order to have his or her medical issues fully addressed.
Rehabilitation. Physical, occupational, and speech therapy are just a few of the treatments for which a personal injury lawyer in Sacramento may seek benefits on your behalf. These therapies can continue for months, or even years, depending upon the extent of your injuries.
Lengthy hospital stays. Weeks, and sometimes months, of intensive care can add to the financial burden borne by victims of catastrophic injuries. Retaining the services of an injury lawyer in Sacramento may be crucial to obtaining a settlement that covers the expenses incurred by these stays.

You found the right Sacramento personal injury lawyer

The Law Offices of Mark A. Doughty can provide an accident lawyer in Sacramento who will answer all of these questions and more. With over thirty years of experience, we regularly achieve outstanding results for our clients, and have obtained millions of dollars in verdicts and settlements for them. We are available to discuss your case twenty-four hours a day, and will gladly schedule evening and weekend appointments.

If necessary, we will even visit you at home or in the hospital. We accept cases on a contingency fee basis, meaning that you pay no fees unless we obtain a recovery for you. For the convenience of our clients, we have Spanish and Punjabi interpreters available. With unparalleled qualifications such as these, we feel confident that when you retain the services of our firm, you will be sure it is the right one for you.

Contact us for your Sacramento accident lawyer today

If you are injured, contact the Northern California Law Offices of Mark A. Doughty for an accident lawyer in Sacramento.
  • Yuba City, CA - call 530.674.1440
  • Sacramento, CA - call 916.979.1917
  • Lincoln, CA - call 916.645.1917.
Go to our website: GoLaw.com
Read full article at: Our SettlementBoard BLOG
Filed under: Personal Injury Settlements
Mark A Doughty - Injury Accident Lawyer - Golaw.com