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Monday, August 31, 2015

CHP Motorcycle Safety Video

#MotorcycleSafetyVideo: Listen to real-life stories of Motorcycle vs Car Accidents on California's Highway 99 and hear actual #CHP 911 Emergency Calls in “Motorcycle Safety - Thrill or Buzz Kill?” an Informational Video by the California Highway Patrol YouTube Channel.

“Motorcyclists need to be aware of the added danger they're in every day. 
This video will show you how to ride safer, and arrive alive.” -CHP

The California Highway Patrol promotes safe motorcycle riding. WARNING: The above video contains graphic views of the results of some motorcycle collisions. It's goal is to warn motorcyclists of the dangers that exist on the road every time you ride. If you're a motorcycle rider, you owe it to yourself to be careful.

The Law offices of Mark A Doughty can be reached by calling 530-674-1440. Mark A Doughty has been practicing law in California since 1979. He has served the people of northern California and represented them without a fee (in accident cases) unless he recovers for them. For more information, please see http://GoLaw.com.